Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rocky Top and the National Senior Olympics

The National Senior Olympics were held in Cleveland, Ohio this year. (National Senior Olympics are held in a different location each two years.)

Dwain and I, along with a number of his table tennis buddies went to Cleveland and spent a week watching, practicing and playing in the tournaments. The following are a few of the photos taken during the tournament.

Winner's of the Men's Single Event: Left to right:  
Dwain Kitchel, Silver; Paul Hua, Gold; Neil Meyers, Bronze.  
Fourth place went to Bill Neely.

There were 28 state champions or top two runner ups from all across America who participated in this age event. Some one said looks like Rocky Top took this event. Three of the top four were from Tennessee--Dwain and Bill from Knoxville, TN and Paul from Chattanooga, TN, Neil Meyers was from Ohio. Having my trusty ipad in hand, I  played the song Rocky Top and there was a lot of clapping and hooting going on!

Left to right: Bill Neely, Paul Hua and Dwain Kitchel.

Left to right: Tony Caposi, Ruth Hua, Paul Hua and Louie Caposi.

Dwain and Bill playing in the Men's Doubles

Dwain and Bill, Men's Doubles Gold winners

Dwain came home with a gold in Men's Doubles, a silver in Men's Singles and a 4th place ribbon in Mixed Doubles. Needless to say, I was very proud of him.

One of the highlights of our trip was when our friends Tony and Louie Caposi took us to Little Italy  to Mia Bella Restaurant for an evening of very fine Italian food and fun.

The next National Senior Olympics will be held in Minneapolis, MN in 2015. Hopefully we will be in good health and will be there.
