Wednesday, October 9, 2013

WANTED: A 12-inch glow-in-the-dark flexible rubber skeleton

Many years ago we had a little skeleton as a Halloween decoration. Then we obtained a black kitty.

A little fluffy black kitten fell in love. His name is Inky.

When Halloween rolled around, the decorations were put out and low and behold, Inky, the black kitty fell in love with the glow-in-the-dark skeleton. Inky decided that the skeleton was his and it became his favorite toy. He lugs it around, up and down the stairs, tosses it in the air, slaps it around and is very jealous when someone picks it up. Today Inky the kitten is a 24 pound cat and still loves the glow-in-the-dark skeleton.
One day the skull was barely hanging onto the body so I decided to remove the skull, being afraid that he would swallow it. Some time later the arms came off and eventually the torso fell off. As you can see the skeleton now only has lower body, legs and feet. But can you imagine, it still glows in the dark!
The remainder of the glow-in-the-dark skeleton.
Inky, the 24-pound black cat still plays with whats left of the skeleton.
Inky loves his skeleton toy.
Inky, who is eight years old now, says that he needs a new glow-in-the-dark flexible rubber skeleton!
I have checked out the Halloween toys at Target, Party City and on the internet but haven't come up with a replacement glow-in-the-dark flexible skeleton. If you know where to find one of these please, let me know. Inky is counting on a new skeleton for Halloween!



  1. I'm on a quest to find Inky a new skeleton. The photo of him as a kitten on papa's shoulder is soooo cute!!! Google search commencing....NOW


  3. such a tiny cat! he absolutely needs that skeleton to grow into his full puma sized self!
