Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 26 and 27 trip report

After spending a comfortable night in Forrest City, AR., we were up and showered by 7:30am but it was 9:30 before we finished breakfast and got on the road. Hey, we're on vacation so we get some slack for get-away efficiency. Obviously we need to reduce our get-away time to allow more time for site seeing. We decided to have a seafood lunch but failed to find a suitable restaurant, then we saw a sign for Knoxville, AR., and decided it would be fun to have lunch there. Unfortunately this small community only had a post office and a grocery so we were still looking for a place to eat, which we found in Ozark, AR., and lucked into a delicious BBQ lunch.

                                                     Knoxville, AR post office
                                           Rivertowne Bar B Q located in Ozark, AR
                                  Prime Rib sandwich and BBQ chicken with all the trimmings

From Ozark we continued to Fayetteville, AR.,  where we had a wonderful time at the home of Mina and Les Baledge. Mina prepared a scrumptious dinner that put our excellent lunch to shame. We spent the evening visiting with sister Nancy, Mina and Les, and Corrinnia and Rick. 

This morning after a well rested night and family breakfast, we departed the outstanding Baledge hospitality on the way to our destination--Amarillo, TX. A distance of 478 miles. The first part of the trip was through Tulsa, OK. Following photos show a few road scenes.
                                                     Roadwork and detours 
                                                               Toll Roads
                                                 Baled grasses in the median
 The next set of photos were taken at the Oklahoma City Memorial. it was a somber, meaningful and worthwhile experience. Given the chance, any caring American should visit this memorial.

                          Remembrances are still being placed in front of the memorial.

                         Waterfall on Maggie's right. The temperature was over 100 degrees

                                                       Memorial Reflection Pool
    A glass chair for each victim now rests on the exact location of the Oklahoma City Federal building which was destroyed by Timothy McVey.

                          Statue of Jesus weeping at the horror of the Oklahoma City bombing.

The last leg of our trip between Oklahoma City and Amarillo, Texas was many miles of sameness--flatlands, scrub brush, scattered cows, arroyos, etc. Even though the car rated the outside temperature at 108 degrees we were comfortable and the drive was pleasant. But we were sure happy to arrive at Amarillo and surprised at how large the city is.

                                         Texas has its own leaning tower...water tower
                                                             Wind mill farm







  1. I'm glad to see your pictures and get the daily friends, family, and food report on here. Looks and sounds like you're already having fun!

  2. Hi Aunt Maggie! Looks like you are having fun... we hope your air-conditioner holds out!!!

  3. Loving the chance to join your journey thru the blog. Please post more food pics (for Todd!)....
