Saturday, June 8, 2013

Strange Sightings: Campy Art or Cow Porn

When traveling, you never know what’s around the next corner. Business folks are continually using outlandish methods of attracting attention to their companies and merchandise. Here is a strange sighting eye-catcher from Greensboro, North Carolina. When first spotted I thought this was another “eat more chicken” ad from Chick-fil-A. But on a closer look, I couldn’t decide whether it was cow porn or some form of campy art. Don’t have any idea how much it helps the company’s sales, but it certainly created a lot of laughs from our crowd. Depending on your viewpoint and mood, this is another example of American Ingenuity or creative stupidity. Part of the fun is trying to figure out which it is.
American Ingenuity or creative stupidity?  
Laugh a minute!



  1. We sure did laugh a lot when we saw that cow truck. Aren't you glad I made you take the picture?! You have an eye for the good shots (of milk)

  2. I'd show that cow a good time.
