Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sliding-Panel or Pocket Doors

A pocket door slides into the wall rather than swinging out when opened. Our bathroom sliding door has worked reasonably well for the past 35 years and Inky, our small cat, loved it because he could take his paw and slide the door open. Inky is left handed or should I say, left pawed; so he can swing heavy sliding doors open if the doors move to the right. Whenever we have company, we alert them that when enjoying the peace and quiet of the bathroom be aware: the cat can open the door. Inky is so expert, there is no delay or warning, he just grabs the door and swings it open at the speed of a person. Thus, he has startled more than a few, including his servants of the house, even though they (we) were aware of his expertise.
Preparing for a door opening binge!
Recently, the door started catching when sliding and we put up with it until my sweetie got caught in the bathroom when the door got caught on the railing and would not open. Luckily for him, I was home and heard him yelling for me. I was also unable to open the door from the outside, so he sent me to the garage to bring back the longest screwdriver in his tool box. I slid the tool through a small crack and he was able to use the tool as leverage to get out. The nuisance had become a “problem” and had trapped the wrong person. The next morning he took a saw to the door and removed “the jailor” from the house. Today Roger the Handy Man is replacing our pocket door with a swinging door. Sorry, Inky; things change!
Roger the Handy Man


1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize Inky could do that! Too bad the door's been torn down haha, I'd have liked to see that in action.
