Friday, July 12, 2013


Leaving Yellowstone National Park, we were almost immediately in the Bighorn National Forest filled with mountains, canyons, valleys, and picturesque rivers. Here we encountered our first tunnel of the trip, which was unusual considering all the mountains we had traveled around or over.

We visited the Crazy Horse Memorial and were astounded at the magnitude of this memorial both in sheer size and the scope of the dream. The following plaque explains the project, which is funded solely by private funds and donations. This is a fitting memorial that demonstrates the importance of America's Indian heritage. The sculpture pictured below is what the mountain will look like when completed. It is noted that this memorial will dwarf in size Mount Rushmore.

The following photos were taken at the Mount Rushmore Memorial. There a walkway exhibiting a flag of each state. We snapped a photo of the Tennessee flag.

After viewing the Black Hills and the Rapid City area, we headed East skirting the Badlands and stopped at Wall Drug Store in Wall, South Dakota. 

We also stopped at the Corn Palace (used as a convention center) in Mitchell, S.D. The building is decorated by using colored corn kernels that are replaced with new designs each year.

Jessie, this is for you! We ended our day by spending the night in Omaha, Nebraska. On to Fayetteville, Arkansas.


  1. What a beautiful world we live in! Thanks for the across the wide west reporting and pics. That being said, I'm so glad you're coming HOME! One of the best parts of travel is getting home to your own bed. Safe travels and see you soon!!

  2. You finally made it to Wall Drug! Was it worth that long drive? :) We have really enjoyed your vacation photos. We love you and hope you arrive home safely.
