Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Veggie Pasta

Sometimes you just want pasta and today is that day. You may ask why I bake this pasta recipe  in the oven and my answer is that I want to read or play games on the computer or a dozen other things that do not involve standing over a hot stove. Just set the timer and show up when the timer bell rings. Lazy right! No, I tend to think of it as multi-tasking. lol

One day when the larder was low I thought, what can I make for dinner with what is available. I made a simple pasta and over time continued to include or exchange veggies. At any rate my Sweetie and I enjoy this and I hope you will as well.


Ready to eat Veggie Pasta

Veggie Pasta

For two. Increase quantities for additional people.

1 can (14.5 oz.) Chicken Stock
1 cup penne pasta
1 small onion, diced
1 garlic clove, diced
3-4  small tomatoes, cut in small pieces
1 small yellow, orange or red sweet pepper, chopped
10-12 stalks asparagus, cut in 1 inch pieces
2 shakes each of oregano and parsley, (I use fresh oregano and parsley when possible)
½ cup or more shredded four-cheese blend

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Use a container that can be transferred from stove top to the oven.

Cook pasta in the chicken stock (medium heat) for 3 minutes. Then add onion, garlic and peppers. Continue cooking 3-4 more minutes. Add tomatoes and stir. Transfer container to the oven. Continue baking for about 20 minutes. Add asparagus, stirring into the mixture. Continue baking for additional 10-12 minutes. Top with cheese and continue baking until cheese has melted and is bubbling.

Don’t like asparagus—substitute zucchini. 

This pasta goes well with a side salad or garlic bread.


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